Sunday, May 6, 2012

Weight Loss Secrets to Get a Perfect Body

Some of the best weight loss secrets are never revealed by the few who know about them.  Today, I will break that trend and reveal a trick that helped me lose over 70lbs in eight months.  It's been over seven years and I have not gained it back nor do I expect to do so.  I stumbled upon this secret after trying many weight loss products and failing miserably.  After helping me lose a lot of weight my friends and family are also using it successfully and are quite happy with the results because it is all natural.  To get started, start by getting into a relaxing state of mind.  

The following hypothetical example will help you better understand the process...

Visualize yourself in an uncontrollable stressed state of mind.  Whatever it is that you are thinking about, whether it is about your income, your face, your weight, your unprofessional colleague, will transform into a state of anger.  Now, if at that moment in time I asked you, "I am willing to give you a free sample of anything you'd like.  What would you like?"  Since you are stressing out, you will come up with a superficial answer to the question and your answer will be something like  "ice cream."

On the other hand, let's say you were completely relaxed then you would actually take the time to think about your true desires and select something aligned with your goal of having a fit body.  The same behaviour goes for food.  After a long and exhausting day from work, you arrive home and ask yourself, "what should I have for dinner?"  The answer is more likely to be pizza, something fried or processed. 

On a better scenario, you arrive home, you are in a good mood, sit down, relax, take a deep breath, and drink a glass of fresh water.  Then after a few minutes you ask  yourself, "Well, what do I
really feel like eating?" Your answer this time will be much better the previous answer...

delicious bright-colored salad with exquisite grilled chicken breast and steamed vegetables accompanied with red wine."

From now on get in the habit of listening to your body and knowing its true desires when in a relaxed state of mind.  There you have it - that is the best weight loss trick I discovered after trying many unsuccessful tips. It works like magic.  You gotta try it yourself.   

can you get successful results?

1.  Before you eat, take several deep breaths, smile, and
2.  Listen to your body and find out what it truly desires to eat.
3.  Have patience and sharpen this skill to attend the truthful healthy desires of your body.

That is one of the best weight loss secrets you will ever encounter.  Start this now and let me know about your success on my main blog:

Yes, you can do it!

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